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COVID-19 Information for Core Facilities

Content last updated on 6/11/2020

As COVID-19 (coronavirus) continues to spread globally and throughout North America, our highest priority is health and safety for all especially the staff and users of core facilities.

BINA has compiled resources and recommendations to follow to help navigate through this unprecedented time.

Recommendations for operating imaging core facilities

German BioImaging has created a summary of precautions for imaging core facilities to prevent COVID-19 infection (endorsed by DGE, German Society for Electron Microscopy; DGZ, German Society for Cell Biology; and DGfZ, German Society for Cytometry). We hope these recommendations are helpful and are implemented at your core facilities.

Virtual light microscopy facility meeting notes

The following document provides a summary of both the verbal and Zoom chat comments from the open-access virtual community discussion to establish safe working practices in the COVID-19 era organized by members of the Royal Microscopical Society, BioImagingUK and BioImaging North America (BINA) held on Wed May 13th, 2020.

Helpful resources during the COVID-19 pandemic

BINA has compiled a document of helpful resources including online courses, live virtual workshops and seminars, proprietary software with special offers, conference and meeting cancellations/postponements, and more.

Core facility ramp-up information

ABRF has compiled a series of considerations for the eventual ramp-up of core facility activities.
Please note these are not official guidelines but are meant to serve as a starting point for planning based upon input from ABRF members, core directors, and administrators.


Recommended Handing and Disinfecting Procedures of Nikon Microscope products to reduce the spread of infectious agents

Recommendations for how to properly clean and disinfect Zeiss microscopes and its optical components

Frequent sanitation of microscopes is highly recommended. View Leica‘s protocol for cleaning microscopes.

Olympus‘s recommendations for how to clean and sterilize your microscope

Cleaning recommendations for Okolab products​